It's natural to be protective of your children but it's important not to baby your children. Research by Jerome Kagan has shown that Mothers who protect their innately, biologically timid children from upsetting experiences produced kids who continued to be plagued by fear as they grew older.
Mothers who gradually and consistently encouraged their kids to deal with more and more of the world produced children who were much less fearful later on. This outcome challenges the thinking of many contemporary parents who believe that children should be shielded from life’s difficulties.
As a Father (and with the Mother) it is important to find the right balance of protection and independence with your children. If children are overprotected they can wield a certain amount of power that inhibits their independent growth.
Your child becomes competent through struggle. Introduce your child to activities and experiences that will allow them to grow and be challenged safely and incrementally.
Mothers who gradually and consistently encouraged their kids to deal with more and more of the world produced children who were much less fearful later on. This outcome challenges the thinking of many contemporary parents who believe that children should be shielded from life’s difficulties.
As a Father (and with the Mother) it is important to find the right balance of protection and independence with your children. If children are overprotected they can wield a certain amount of power that inhibits their independent growth.
Your child becomes competent through struggle. Introduce your child to activities and experiences that will allow them to grow and be challenged safely and incrementally.
Your child becomes competent through struggle.