What are the benefits?
It is straightforward and fundamentally useful. It gives you strategies for approaching the varied challenges and joys of fatherhood with confidence and understanding. Being a father is the most challenging role you will ever have. It presents a constant mirror questioning who you are, how you act and what you value. It is tiring, particularly if you don't have clarity and consistency with your approach. A Better Dad is about giving you tools to lighten the load and focus your energies effectively to model the behavior you seek from yourself and your children.
Where do the strategies come from?
The strategies are drawn from pre-eminent child psychologists, leading educators from across the globe, theory based research, parental research and experience based learning. The strategies incorporate elements found in leading educational, psychological, cognitive-behavioural and socio-cultural approaches to parenting, teaching and learning. With so much information available, it's hard to know what to value and where to start. I've navigated and evaluated established and emerging practises to provide you with strategies and tips that are straightforward, and work. Information will of course be updated as we keep learning.
Do I have to meet with anyone face-to-face?
No, this is not therapy. This approach is not about exploring a deficit in how you have done things, but focusing on strength based approaches that work for how you will do things. There are many reasons why fathers need assistance. Why you are reading this is not as important as what you do from here. Concern yourself with how you can use this resource for your own benefit.
Is there ongoing support?
You will receive regular online tips to help keep you on track. If you are having specific problems or challenges you will have access to specific materials for troubleshooting. We appreciate that discretion is important and will therefore not contact you directly other than the aforementioned online tips.
I'm a good Dad, why would I need this?
There is no doubt you are a good Dad. Of course, it's up to you whether you want to explore the resources here. The question is not about where you are starting from but where you want to go. You may feel very comfortable with the majority of ways you are handling your role as a father. However, there might be areas you can refine, ideas that might help or room for improvement on already well developed strategies.
Does it depend on the age of my child?
No. The varied strategies, tools and resources here will assist your thinking and approaches with any aged child. Obviously adjustments and accommodations will be required when applying and executing them in different situations and to different age groups. Consideration points are provided. Whether you are a father-to-be or an almost empty nester, useful tools and strategies are always good to have.
It is straightforward and fundamentally useful. It gives you strategies for approaching the varied challenges and joys of fatherhood with confidence and understanding. Being a father is the most challenging role you will ever have. It presents a constant mirror questioning who you are, how you act and what you value. It is tiring, particularly if you don't have clarity and consistency with your approach. A Better Dad is about giving you tools to lighten the load and focus your energies effectively to model the behavior you seek from yourself and your children.
Where do the strategies come from?
The strategies are drawn from pre-eminent child psychologists, leading educators from across the globe, theory based research, parental research and experience based learning. The strategies incorporate elements found in leading educational, psychological, cognitive-behavioural and socio-cultural approaches to parenting, teaching and learning. With so much information available, it's hard to know what to value and where to start. I've navigated and evaluated established and emerging practises to provide you with strategies and tips that are straightforward, and work. Information will of course be updated as we keep learning.
Do I have to meet with anyone face-to-face?
No, this is not therapy. This approach is not about exploring a deficit in how you have done things, but focusing on strength based approaches that work for how you will do things. There are many reasons why fathers need assistance. Why you are reading this is not as important as what you do from here. Concern yourself with how you can use this resource for your own benefit.
Is there ongoing support?
You will receive regular online tips to help keep you on track. If you are having specific problems or challenges you will have access to specific materials for troubleshooting. We appreciate that discretion is important and will therefore not contact you directly other than the aforementioned online tips.
I'm a good Dad, why would I need this?
There is no doubt you are a good Dad. Of course, it's up to you whether you want to explore the resources here. The question is not about where you are starting from but where you want to go. You may feel very comfortable with the majority of ways you are handling your role as a father. However, there might be areas you can refine, ideas that might help or room for improvement on already well developed strategies.
Does it depend on the age of my child?
No. The varied strategies, tools and resources here will assist your thinking and approaches with any aged child. Obviously adjustments and accommodations will be required when applying and executing them in different situations and to different age groups. Consideration points are provided. Whether you are a father-to-be or an almost empty nester, useful tools and strategies are always good to have.