If you are self-determined you take responsibility for what happens in your world.
Self-determination relates to the way we take responsibility (as causal agents) when we exercise choices, make decisions and experience the outcome. Self-determination enables independence and freedom. To have self-determination you must have the skills to manage your environment, otherwise you are likely to be controlled by it and see yourself as a victim.
Fostering Self-determination
There are many different methods of fostering self-determination. It's a life-long journey of support and guidance as your children:
Fostering Self-determination
There are many different methods of fostering self-determination. It's a life-long journey of support and guidance as your children:
- learn to set expectations
- learn about themselves
- face genuine and relevant challenges
- develop personal strategies and networks
- experience the feelings that come with achieving a planned outcome
- experience the feelings that come with not achieving a planned outcome
A Model
Field and Hoffman (2006) developed a five step model for fostering self-determination. Here’s a broken down version of that model;
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it.
Charles Swindoll
Peterson, C & Seligman, M & Maier, S (1995)
Learned Helplessness: A Theory for the Age of Personal Control, USA: Oxford University Press |
Deci, E & Flast, R. (1995)
Why we do what we do, New York: Penguin |